As you've read, or talked with others, on matters Spiritual and/or Wondrous, have you ever noticed recurring themes, in the things you find resonating within you? Truths, if you will, that although given at different points in time, in different cultures, even, are so clearly alike? I think there's something remarkable going on, in that. Like, teacher after teacher comes along, time and again, bringing to us the same messages: Love One Another, As Ye Believe So Shall It Be, We Are All One.
Let's play with that last one! "All One", I mean. AllOne? Al-One?
Just tonite, I got the (free) download of Neale Donald Walsche's "The Holy Experience", and was absolutely poring through it, until my attention was caught by an idea that seemed so familiar. In my short-hand: God found Itself All One - Alone. The
Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent discerned that It was "omni-singular", as well - and therefore without Another to Whom to Relate.
It seems clear to me that (at least in this dualistic illusion of carbon-based biology) opposites define each other - by relation to each other! Light relates to Darkness - and without each other, neither has any meaning. Same with Good and Evil, Yin and Yang . . . Republican and Democrat!
We're not only All-One, Sisters & Brothers, not only corporeal expressions of All That Is, but we're made for each other! Without you, right now I'd just be another lonely guy hackin' away at his keyboard all night long, with no one to put my questions to.
Thank you!
Let's play with that last one! "All One", I mean. AllOne? Al-One?
Just tonite, I got the (free) download of Neale Donald Walsche's "The Holy Experience", and was absolutely poring through it, until my attention was caught by an idea that seemed so familiar. In my short-hand: God found Itself All One - Alone. The
Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent discerned that It was "omni-singular", as well - and therefore without Another to Whom to Relate.
It seems clear to me that (at least in this dualistic illusion of carbon-based biology) opposites define each other - by relation to each other! Light relates to Darkness - and without each other, neither has any meaning. Same with Good and Evil, Yin and Yang . . . Republican and Democrat!
We're not only All-One, Sisters & Brothers, not only corporeal expressions of All That Is, but we're made for each other! Without you, right now I'd just be another lonely guy hackin' away at his keyboard all night long, with no one to put my questions to.
Thank you!
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