
Or call it 87%; maybe even 91%!  In keeping with the flexibility the notion illustrates, you see, Brother Charlie will regularly point out, tongue-in-cheek, that even the name given to this outlook oughtn't be static!

But truth to tell, I usually call it "My 85% Policy".  Its a nice, round number; s'got a nice shape to it, if you will!  I've come to practice this mind-set because - as anyone of a certain age has already learned, themselves - on any given day, and despite the very best of our efforts and intentions, the end result can seldom be rated as 100% successful.

Maybe you, gentle reader, don't even "rate your results" at all.  More power to you!  But I know without a doubt that there are Sisters and Brothers in the world whose experience is like mine.

We often begin by wading right into things (often neck-deep), especially when following our heart's calling.  But whether we're about a mundane task like finally cleaning up the long-neglected garage, or some loftier undertaking such as - well, starting a blog to bring more light, hope and love into the world - its just not realistic to expect 100% success, or satisfaction, from our efforts.

Hence, I have to be willing on any given day to have put 100% of myself into something, only to actually achieve less that perfect success.  And, just as importantly, to accept said result  - of whatever percentage - with peace.  For the sake of greater inner peace, I can live with a B+.